Wednesday, May 27
Kanye West
absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's
autograph. . . . I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get
information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and
living real life."
Tuesday, May 26
from BODY COUNT, by Christian Jungerson
paid for vaccinating twenty kids and saving the life of at least one.
I very much hope that the world will become a better place. And if it
does, our grandchildren may look at us the way young people today
regard the generation who collaborated with the Nazis. They'll say, "I
do not understand you." We will explain that life simply was the way
it was. "Famines came and went and no one did anything about it.
People died of hunger to provide us with cheaper coffee." We'll have
to admit that we knew but chose to do nothing about it.
Thursday, May 21
To steal a line from Knocked Up: I wish I was as excited about anything in my life as this guy is about his musical instruments.
Wednesday, May 20
Tuesday, May 19
Scott Sternberg's Rules of Style
The Top Ten Rules of Style, by Band Of Outsiders head designer, Scott Sternberg.
Don't Wanna Be Alone...What For?
I think I understand why people in the 80s--Don Delilo, J.G. Ballard--felt like Western Culture was coming to end:
1985 Plymouth Duster Commercial
I hope one day we get a feature-length Boogie Nights-style biopic about the filming of this ad. (PS: Whatever you do, don't start clicking on Related Videos, because it will seriously eat up half your day.)
Sunday, May 17
Pevear and Volokhonsky really make the text come alive, don't they?
- AD 2101: War has begun.
- Captain: What was that?
- Engineer: Someone has planted a bomb on the ship!
- Communication operator: Captain! Receiving transmission!
- Captain: What?!
- Communication operator: Incoming visual on the main screen.
- Captain: Y...You!
- CATS: You look busy, gentlemen. With the help of the Federation Government forces, CATS has taken all of your bases. Your ship is about to meet its doom as well.
- Captain: This...this is ridiculous!
- CATS: We are grateful for your cooperation. Cherish these few remaining moments of your lives. Ha ha ha ha ha...
- Communication operator: Captain....
- Captain: I order you to launch all ZIG units! We have no choice but to entrust them with our hopes for our future. We're counting on you, ZIG!
We Don't Die, We Just Get High
We Are Supervision has an utterly fantastic gallery of business cards created by Chicago street gangs of the 70s.
Monday, May 11
"The TV shows of the Nineties have so much to offer style-wise."
BREAKING: This week's Teen Vogue Girl Of The Week from Estonia; Has picture taken in what I've always imagined all of Estonia looks like.
Thursday, May 7
Mynah Bird

Capitilization of Titles and Headlines: A Special Baby Ruthless Grammar Insert
The rules are pretty straightforward, so I thought I'd compile a cheat sheet for you guys to use. We'll deal with the words that have to be uppercase first, then the lowercase words.
First and last words of the title
- This rule supersedes all the others, so even if the word would otherwise be lowercase, if it's the first or last word of the title, it's always uppercase.
- I, You, She, He, It, We, You, They
- Me, Her, Him, Us
- Mine, Yours, Hers, His, Its, Ours, Theirs
- This, That, These, Those
- Who, Whom, Which, What
- Whoever, Whomever, Whichever, Whatever
- All, Another, Any, Anybody, Anyone, Anything, Each, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Few, Many, Nobody, None, One, Several, Some, Somebody, Someone
- Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
- Hint: if it ends in an -ly, it's probably an adverb. But there are other adverbs, too:
- Well, Fast, Slow, Late
- Too, Very, Really, Almost, Little, Much, Rather
- Perhaps
- Downstairs, Upstairs, There, Outside, Above, Away, Below, Down, Here, Inside, There, Up
- Always, Never, Sometimes
- However, Therefore, Also, Anyhow, Furthermore, Moreover, Otherwise, Still
- Early, Never, Now, Often, Soon, Then, Today, Tomorrow
- Why, Where, How, When
Subordinating Conjuctions
- Though, Although
- If, Unless
- Until, While, Before, After
- How, When, Whenever, Where, Wherever
- Since, Because, As
- Than, That
- a
- an
- the
Coordinating Conjuctions
- for
- and
- nor
- but
- or
- yet
- so
- (A good mnemonic device to remember coordinating conjuctions is FANBOYS)
- about, above, across, after, against, along, alongside, among, around, as, aside, at
- before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by
- circa, concerning
- despite, down, during
- except
- failing, following, for, from
- given
- in, inside, into
- like
- near, next, notwithstanding
- of, off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over
- pace, past, per, plus
- regarding
- since
- than, through, throughout, to, toward, towards
- under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon
- versus, via
- with, within, without, worth
That's it. This list seems pretty daunting, but it's really pretty easy. There are a bunch of little fiddly rules, but this should cover most of the capitalization questions you have.
(I really like this guy's breezy style. It's like what a million shittily-written blogs are trying for but never get right.)
Milton Glaser
from Ten Things I Have Learned