Sunday, February 24

Book Club update

I've finished Emma (and posted my final thoughts in the thread), so I'm one book away from finishing the Jane Austen endeavor.

I'm pretty far ahead of schedule...I have basically a month to read the fifty chapters of Sense And Sensibility. The original idea was to read two chapters a day for the next twenty five days.

HOWEVER, I find the idea of starting yet another Austen novel tomorrow absurdly upsetting, so I'm taking a couple of weeks off. Instead of reading two chapters daily for a month, starting on March 9 I'll be reading five chapters a day for ten days. Probably.

I know this is disappointing for the dozens of people who read along with me and contribute to the lively long-ranging conversations in the threads, but I'm so far behind on these Yu-Gi-Oh novelizations I may never catch up...

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