Sunday, July 22

Young Offenders

Laptop Tattoos
Oh my god oh my god oh my god I want one SO BAD. (You know what else I want so bad? A laptop.) Surprisingly, I like almost all of these, except this one and this one (yuck). I think this one is my favorite, though.

Another Blik deal

More pictures here.

Nueva Linea
My quest for Catcher Block's apartment just got a lot easier. Again, more here.

Tabletop Fireplace

I love how this elegantly suggests a fireplace without being a literal interpretation of one.

I like this belt.

Le Creuset Petite Blueberry Casserole!

You can't figure it out from the site, but Flocks are sweaters made from the wool of a single sheep, and come with pictures of said sheep.

Nike Vintage Running Shoes
Oh my god: WANT. Running shoes with 1977 design but 2007 technology. (Click on Collection at the bottom.)

Ocean Levels Are Rising Faster Than Ever
Clever billboard from WWF. (Not the World Wrestling Foundation.)