Monday, December 31

Austen; Shitty Limits

Here's a fun idea that I'll inevitably abandon and end up feeling even worse about myself: starting January 13th, the retooled Masterpiece Theater is showing adaptations of all six Jane Austen novels, and I thought I'd read each novel in advance of the movie.

Here are the air-dates for the various adaptations:

January 13: Persuasion
January 20: Northanger Abbey
January 27: Mansfield Park
February 10 & 24: Pride And Prejudice
March 23: Emma
March 30 & April 6: Sense And Sensibility

This seems like a lot to read, but now that I've typed it out it doesn't actually seem like that much. I read Pride And Prejudice a couple of years ago, so I'm not going to re-read it this time around. That means I have to read three novels in a month, which doesn't sound like that much--except that this will be the busiest month of the year--and after that I have two and a half months to read another two novels. I think I can do it.

I'll post an entry about each book, and in the comments I'll post my trite and banal thoughts as I'm reading. If anyone else is reading along with me, we can have some sort of discussion about the book. (Sample discussion: "Leave me alone! I have to read all of Mansfield Park in one week!")

If you're interested, you can find texts of all the books at Project Gutenberg and Daily Lit. I respect your internet abilities enough to not coddle you with a hyperlink.

I guess this is a pretty annoying undertaking, but look on the bright side: most asshole bloggers would have named this The Jane Austen Project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't all Jane Austin novels have the same plot? I'll read a few of them with you, but I'm not too keen on reading them all. Especially if, as I suspect, they're all the same book.