Tuesday, April 29

Alas, a salsa!

Geek Out New York has a fascinating history of the pink Duracell bunny. That's not a typo.



"Falindromes are fake palindromes. Although they cannot be read the same forwards and backwards (like their sister palindromes), their peculiar structure make them appear as if they can."



I don't know who is ghost-writing Brian Williams' blog, but judging from this critique of the Sunday Times, she wears cat's eye glasses, has an action figure of Velma on her desk, and thinks she underemployed and overeducated (despite the fact that she's not qualified to do anything, and isn't actually very smart):


Also, she *loves* Television Without Pity.


Richard Hell--yes, THAT Richard Hell--writes an appreciation of early Aram Saroyan minimalism for the New York Times Book Review:


I liked this blurb from Vito Acconci:

"In the late 60s, when I called myself a poet, Aram was the poet I envied. Because you couldn't be sure if he was fooling or if he had really gotten to all there is to get. Because while the rest of us tried to be verbs, like everybody told us to do, he had the nerve to stop at nouns. Because he took a deep breath and willed himself into the self-confidence of naming. Because it wasn't 'nouns,' it was 'noun,' only one noun, because he boiled it all down to one. Because then he let himself go, he let himself stutter, he let the one go and let the one double and go out of focus: while the rest of us ran for our lives all over the place and over the page, his noun shimmered and breathed and trembled and moved—shh! softly, softly—from within."


And Aram is the son of William Saroyan, who was Armenian-American, just like Eric Bogosian, who...no! Stop me!


List of fictional books in the works of Susanna Clarke:


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