The rules are pretty straightforward, so I thought I'd compile a cheat sheet for you guys to use. We'll deal with the words that have to be uppercase first, then the lowercase words.
First and last words of the title
- This rule supersedes all the others, so even if the word would otherwise be lowercase, if it's the first or last word of the title, it's always uppercase.
- I, You, She, He, It, We, You, They
- Me, Her, Him, Us
- Mine, Yours, Hers, His, Its, Ours, Theirs
- This, That, These, Those
- Who, Whom, Which, What
- Whoever, Whomever, Whichever, Whatever
- All, Another, Any, Anybody, Anyone, Anything, Each, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Few, Many, Nobody, None, One, Several, Some, Somebody, Someone
- Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
- Hint: if it ends in an -ly, it's probably an adverb. But there are other adverbs, too:
- Well, Fast, Slow, Late
- Too, Very, Really, Almost, Little, Much, Rather
- Perhaps
- Downstairs, Upstairs, There, Outside, Above, Away, Below, Down, Here, Inside, There, Up
- Always, Never, Sometimes
- However, Therefore, Also, Anyhow, Furthermore, Moreover, Otherwise, Still
- Early, Never, Now, Often, Soon, Then, Today, Tomorrow
- Why, Where, How, When
Subordinating Conjuctions
- Though, Although
- If, Unless
- Until, While, Before, After
- How, When, Whenever, Where, Wherever
- Since, Because, As
- Than, That
- a
- an
- the
Coordinating Conjuctions
- for
- and
- nor
- but
- or
- yet
- so
- (A good mnemonic device to remember coordinating conjuctions is FANBOYS)
- about, above, across, after, against, along, alongside, among, around, as, aside, at
- before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by
- circa, concerning
- despite, down, during
- except
- failing, following, for, from
- given
- in, inside, into
- like
- near, next, notwithstanding
- of, off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over
- pace, past, per, plus
- regarding
- since
- than, through, throughout, to, toward, towards
- under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon
- versus, via
- with, within, without, worth
That's it. This list seems pretty daunting, but it's really pretty easy. There are a bunch of little fiddly rules, but this should cover most of the capitalization questions you have.
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